Friday, June 21, 2013



"Dickson suffered five stab wounds to his chest, back and leg.
In the complaint, Dickson said he suffered $80,000 in economic damages and $150,000 in non-economic damages as a result of his injuries."

Neil McFarlane, General Manager
$221,450.00  (salary based on 2012 W2)
$21,037.75 (monthly pension if retired last month)

Shelly Lomax, Director of Operations 
$180,000.00 (salary based on 2012 W2)
$17,100.00 (monthly pension if retired last month)

Hayden Talbot, Director of Transportation
$111,781.00 (salary based on 2012 W2)
Pension not yet calculated

I received information from a RELIABLE SOURCE who says Neil McFarlane Trimet's General Manager; Shelly Lomax Director of Operations; Hayden Talbot Director of Transportation, and not even one member of the Board of Directors EVER CONTACTED Mr. Dickson after his injuries THANKING HIM for coming to the aid of THEIR employee Leonard James and other customers who also came to the aid of James and each other that night. They NEVER asked HOW HE WAS DOING,  or THANK YOU FOR TAKING FIVE STAB WOUNDS FOR US or CAN WE HELP WITH YOUR MEDICAL EXPENSES AND OTHER FINANCIAL LOSSES (perhaps from our contingency fund) that you and your family suffered as a result of this horrific event.  

Better yet, Brother can you spare a minute?

But then again, the same group (*with the exception below) didn't even CONTACT employee Leonard James just to ask if he was OK, if there was perhaps something they could do for him,  how much they valued and respected how perfectly and professionally he did his job that night, that they were forever grateful he survived, that they wished him a speedy full recovery and THANK YOU, SIR!!!

(*with the exception of a brief call from Hayden Tabott - who's job it is as Director of Transportation to contact victims, be it an employee or the owner of a dog killed on a bus by another dog).  Apparently Talbott called Leonard for less then a minute, said he'd call back but never did.  

Who are these people and what gives them the right to turn their backs on their own employee and their customers?  

Saturday, May 4, 2013


Click image for zoom 

"Employer's typically will not waste resources retaliating with employees that are young, inexperienced and have no public credibility. Retaliation often occurs against employees with credibility in their field that have stated their claim against the organization publicly."

Pretty much describes me.  I'm employed at TM for 20 years.  Not retired, terminated or disgruntled.  What I post IS credible!  Those I write about incriminate themselves through their own words via screen shots and documentation. 

I am also an employee who sued Trimet, was terminated as a result and won. There has been a "long and contentious" history of retaliatory acts against me from Trimet Management before and since the first day back after winning my lawsuit. The retaliation was primarily based on personal bias' and the fact that I DID WIN!  They DO NOT like to loose!  There's a well documented history of retaliating against anyone who CHALLENGES or EXPOSES TM either through THE Court system or through media such as BLOGS.  With the challenges I faced while being the target of Cyber harassment / Workplace Bullying on Al Margulies' and Chris Day's Blogs,  it felt like there was a renewed spirit of joy in the air and most particularly - most obviously -  from Hayden Talbot and a few of his followers like Mickey Young, Colleen Sexton, Peggy Callahan, etc. 

They knew the abuse was going on, they allowed it and it appears to have become a great source of entertainment.  HR refuses to enforce their own policies - when it comes to me!  

Bruce Hansen, ATU President... 

...accompanied me to the meeting with the Legal Department's outside lawyer because it touched on issues close to the membership. 'What happens to one happens to all.'

1.) Attacks against our FREEDOM of SPEECH, FREEDOM of the PRESS and FREEDOM of EXPRESSION.

2.) Being treated differently then "other similarly situated employees."

3.) Managerial, HR and Executives using their positions inappropriately to bully intimidate and retaliate against Union employees.

When I asked WHY I was there the lawyer initially said Trimet was concerned certain policies were being violated on my Blog. When asked which ones she didn't know but the only one that could be possible is HR-202 because she asked (in two different meetings) WHERE I got Peggy Callahan's image.  

"You must obtain the express permission of any Trimet employee or customer before making audio or visual recordings of them or using such recordings in an internet posting."  via HR-202, Internet Technology.

Displaying images from the internet seems to be a sore spot.  Peggy Callahan threatened me with termination if I didn't remove the one of Al Margulies and I then received a reprimand for it.  According to the NLRB (National Labor Relations Board) her action was illegal. 'FAIR USElaws. 

"The findings of the investigation confirmed that you had posted his picture on your personal blog without his permission." via Peggy Callahan, Trimet Senior Lead Investigator.

I later obtained a Union requested Document Exchange and Public Records from BOLI (Bureau of Labor and Industries).  Click HERE!  

In the October 12th meeting, Callahan threatened to TERMINATE my employment if I didn't remove an image of Al. Then she tells Hayden and Shelly I REMOVED it, then she tells the BOLI Investigator I DIDN'T!  Now she claims RETALIATION because I exposed her dishonesty.  


Since Peggy Callahan refuses to respond to me, I asked Stacy Chrest for permission to post a co-workers image on my blog.   "...although what you find on the internet is technically "fair game".  via Stacy Chrest.  THEIR POLICY IS ILLEGAL! They can't control what one takes from the internet.  The exception being IF the image is associated with  HR-171  Respectful Workplace violations.  When I post images of Al Margulies, Peggy Callahan or anyone else including Shelley Devine, etc on my blog none of it's associated with anything remotely slanderous, hateful, retaliatory or harassing. None of it was or is Respectful Workplace violations. They are simply images found on the internet I use to expose those who are practicing bullying intimidating harassing, retaliatory behaviors and or dishonesty against me. As in Peggy's case, where she got caught using her position as Senior HR Investigator inappropriately against a subordinate - and then lying to a Government investigator. And as in the case of Shelley Devine, using her position as Assistant Lead General Council to sign a document in a Government Investigation which wasn't investigated and isn't true.  Every word associated with their images on my Blog is truthful, mostly from screen shots depicting their own words or actions.  

The DIFFERENCE being from what I post and Margulies' posted (July, 2009 to his retirement in May 2012) is he'd use my picture and make videos on his (CYBER STALKING BLOG that were always associated with slanderous, hateful statements intended to create a hostile environment for me on and off the job and intended to ostracize me from the social network which exists in work environments. When I asked for the same policy enforcement Monica F received I instead got reprimands. My employer, as a means to further retaliate participated with my abusers.

The video is of a woman who's talking about her Schizophrenia. Al used these types of brainwashing techniques to associate my name with mental illness.  Similar to domestic abusers who, when exposed,  accuse their victims of being 'mental' so no one will believe them.  

Having a Blog to expose these types of abuses keeps me from becoming a victim.  It gives me a way to fight back and to help others along the way. It gives me a VOICE!  Today, it gives me a VOICE against the abuses from my employer. When it evolved to where I had to ask Trimet to start enforcing the same policies which protected Monica F they refused but instead used Al, Chris Day and John Olsen as a channel in which to retaliate against me.  According to the Workplace Bullying Institute, not an uncommon practice from executive levels.  

I advised Al Margulies I would be writing this series.  He, in solidarity has been understanding. I appreciate his patience. He has also been violated by Trimet for refusing to treat him equally with respect to Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Press and Freedom of expression. We may not like what we read or hear - hatred, abuse, verbal harassment, etc., but until laws are passed to protect us against HATE SPEECH  and CYBER STALKING he and others have the Constitutional Freedoms to say what they want! What I know is 'he is who he is and does what he does'. I can't change him any more then anyone else.  BUT when my employer writes specific policy's to protect us from Internet and Workplace violations I have every legal right to expect equal treatment of those policies against my abusers even including Managers and Executives.  


Next posting:  "And in the End..."


Click image for zoom 

"Employer's typically will not waste resources retaliating with employees that are young, inexperienced and have no public credibility. Retaliation often occurs against employees with credibility in their field that have stated their claim against the organization publicly."

Pretty much describes me.  I'm employed at TM for 20 years.  Not retired, terminated or disgruntled.  What I post IS credible!  Those I write about incriminate themselves through their own words via screen shots and documentation. 

I am also an employee who sued Trimet, was terminated as a result and won. There has been a "long and contentious" history of retaliatory acts against me from Trimet Management before and since the first day back after winning my lawsuit. The retaliation was primarily based on personal bias' and the fact that I DID WIN!  They DO NOT like to loose!  There's a well documented history of retaliating against anyone who CHALLENGES or EXPOSES TM either through THE Court system or through media such as BLOGS.  With the challenges I faced while being the target of Cyber harassment / Workplace Bullying on Al Margulies' and Chris Day's Blogs,  it felt like there was a renewed spirit of joy in the air and most particularly - most obviously -  from Hayden Talbot and a few of his followers like Mickey Young, Colleen Sexton, Peggy Callahan, etc. 

They knew the abuse was going on, they allowed it and it appears to have become a great source of entertainment.  HR refuses to enforce their own policies - when it comes to me!  

Bruce Hansen, ATU President... 

...accompanied me to the meeting with the Legal Department's outside lawyer because it touched on issues close to the membership. 'What happens to one happens to all.'

1.) Attacks against our FREEDOM of SPEECH, FREEDOM of the PRESS and FREEDOM of EXPRESSION.

2.) Being treated differently then "other similarly situated employees."

3.) Managerial, HR and Executives using their positions inappropriately to bully intimidate and retaliate against Union employees.

When I asked WHY I was there the lawyer initially said Trimet was concerned certain policies were being violated on my Blog. When asked which ones she didn't know but the only one that could be possible is HR-202 because she asked (in two different meetings) WHERE I got Peggy Callahan's image.  

"You must obtain the express permission of any Trimet employee or customer before making audio or visual recordings of them or using such recordings in an internet posting."  via HR-202, Internet Technology.

Displaying images from the internet seems to be a sore spot.  Peggy Callahan threatened me with termination if I didn't remove the one of Al Margulies and I then received a reprimand for it.  According to the NLRB (National Labor Relations Board) her action was illegal. 'FAIR USElaws. 

"The findings of the investigation confirmed that you had posted his picture on your personal blog without his permission." via Peggy Callahan, Trimet Senior Lead Investigator.

I later obtained a Union requested Document Exchange and Public Records from BOLI (Bureau of Labor and Industries).  Click HERE!  

In the October 12th meeting, Callahan threatened to TERMINATE my employment if I didn't remove an image of Al. Then she tells Hayden and Shelly I REMOVED it, then she tells the BOLI Investigator I DIDN'T!  Now she claims RETALIATION because I exposed her dishonesty.  


Since Peggy Callahan refuses to respond to me, I asked Stacy Chrest for permission to post a co-workers image on my blog.   "...although what you find on the internet is technically "fair game".  via Stacy Chrest.  THEIR POLICY IS ILLEGAL! They can't control what one takes from the internet.  The exception being IF the image is associated with  HR-171  Respectful Workplace violations.  When I post images of Al Margulies, Peggy Callahan or anyone else including Shelley Devine, etc on my blog none of it's associated with anything remotely slanderous, hateful, retaliatory or harassing. None of it was or is Respectful Workplace violations. They are simply images found on the internet I use to expose those who are practicing bullying intimidating harassing, retaliatory behaviors and or dishonesty against me. As in Peggy's case, where she got caught using her position as Senior HR Investigator inappropriately against a subordinate - and then lying to a Government investigator. And as in the case of Shelley Devine, using her position as Assistant Lead General Council to sign a document in a Government Investigation which wasn't investigated and isn't true.  Every word associated with their images on my Blog is truthful, mostly from screen shots depicting their own words or actions.  

The DIFFERENCE being from what I post and Margulies' posted (July, 2009 to his retirement in May 2012) is he'd use my picture and make videos on his (CYBER STALKING BLOG that were always associated with slanderous, hateful statements intended to create a hostile environment for me on and off the job and intended to ostracize me from the social network which exists in work environments. When I asked for the same policy enforcement Monica F received I instead got reprimands. My employer, as a means to further retaliate participated with my abusers.

The video is of a woman who's talking about her Schizophrenia. Al used these types of brainwashing techniques to associate my name with mental illness.  Similar to domestic abusers who, when exposed,  accuse their victims of being 'mental' so no one will believe them.  

Having a Blog to expose these types of abuses keeps me from becoming a victim.  It gives me a way to fight back and to help others along the way. It gives me a VOICE!  Today, it gives me a VOICE against the abuses from my employer. When it evolved to where I had to ask Trimet to start enforcing the same policies which protected Monica F they refused but instead used Al, Chris Day and John Olsen as a channel in which to retaliate against me.  According to the Workplace Bullying Institute, not an uncommon practice from executive levels.  

I advised Al Margulies I would be writing this series.  He, in solidarity has been understanding. I appreciate his patience. He has also been violated by Trimet for refusing to treat him equally with respect to Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Press and Freedom of expression. We may not like what we read or hear - hatred, abuse, verbal harassment, etc., but until laws are passed to protect us against HATE SPEECH  and CYBER STALKING he and others have the Constitutional Freedoms to say what they want! What I know is 'he is who he is and does what he does'. I can't change him any more then anyone else.  BUT when my employer writes specific policy's to protect us from Internet and Workplace violations I have every legal right to expect equal treatment of those policies against my abusers even including Managers and Executives.  


Next posting:  "And in the End..."

Thursday, April 25, 2013


Thursday, April 25, 2013



This blog is my VOICE and JOURNAL about Cyber Bully/Stalking and Workplace Bullying.  


"When you are struck by surprise from an unexpected direction, you are blindsided, as if from your blind side." 
"verb (blind-side) {trans.} Catch someone unprepared; attack from an unexpected position."


                                 "Wadda we gonna do about her?"

"Oh yeah, that's the ticket!!!"

"Mildred, this is gonna be fun!!!"

If you're not familiar with this conversation, click the links at the bottom of the page.

                                                April 16, 2013, Tuesday at 3:02pm

I was quite literally blind-sided last week as I made my way into the Bullpen.  Ass't Manager Mark was waiting for me,  with baited breath!  He approached me with this overwhelming sense of urgency! I was less then a foot inside the door when he (LOUDLY) exclaimed, "YOU'RE ON ADMIT LEAVE!!!" Of course his intention was to make sure everyone heard him and turned to look.  Me, "What for?" Mark, "I don't know!" So I'm following him to the Management offices asking if this is something that could lead to disclipine and he says, "Sandra (Union Rep) is waiting for you!" "Me, "WOW!!!"  He explains that Trimet hired an "OUTSIDE DISINTERESTED THIRD PARTY", A LAWYER who's  investigating my Blog. We asked for a few minutes then went in. 

I IMMEDIATELY RECOGNIZED HER... from somewhere.  I asked her where I've seen her?  Yeah - she's been riding my Bus!  She said that too, "Maybe on the bus?!!"  wtf  
I've been doing this job for so long that after a while everyone starts to look alike unless they do something to call attention to themselves or they're a FREQUENT rider. She was frequent enough that I recognized her!  17 years ago after my lawsuit was filed and before they terminated me they hired a bunch 'a private investigators - former FBI agents who were friends with one of the in-house lawyers.   They followed me - on and off the buses unbenounced to me. duh!  Even helped themselves to a bag of garbage from the dumpster where I lived. 

***UPDATE, We met with the lawyer today (5/1/13).  She said she wasn't aware I was 'blind-sided' into the meeting last week.  She said Trimet assured her they were following proper procedure.  Seems odd that they'd make a statement like that.

So she says she's working FOR trimet and this is her FIRST CASE.  (what was that Mark said about an "OUTSIDE DISINTEREST THIRD PARTY"?!!)  First case huh? So, I'm pretty much flushed down the toilet before she asks her first question.   She says, "Peggy Callahan wrote you up for "RETALIATION".  She tells us 'Retaliation' is very serious when the charge is from one of their own. 

She brought a few pages and a list of questions.  Started by asking about the Blog. I asked which one as I have several and she said, "Rantings of...." She didn't even know...   My PTSD kicked in.  There's a fight or flight thing that starts happening and I couldn't focus on her questions.  She's asking me stuff and I didn't know this was  going to happen today. I thought I was gonna drive a Bus.  So she gets pissed. Her face is beat red and her hands start shaking...  she kept asking the same questions re-phrasing them. Finally, she agreed to stop and make an appointment.  

So Sandra and I go out front and Mark appears.  He says I can finish my run.  Me, "I thought you said I was on Administrative leave." Mark, "Oh, that was an error." WOW!  Then he asks if I want to finish my run or go home. I said go home.  He said he'd give me a tda which is time off without pay and without time-loss. Sandra objects and wants me paid. He asks Evelyn, then comes back and says "sick time" IN OTHER WORDS - timeloss - which you can get terminated for. They created a situation where I am no longer "fit" to Operate a bus.  I told him my disability so they could accomodate it but he BELLOWS out again in the bullpen, "I DON'T WANT TO KNOW YOUR DIAGNOSIS!" He then shares with us what he knows about PTSD from being in the Coast Guard.

If I'm doing my job as I'm supposed to, then the very nature of it in and of itself forces me to FOCUS.  But if something disrupts that process I can't do the job, safely.  FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS. It's Mindfulness!  Trimet has yet to acknowledge this aspect of SAFETY. They seem oblivious to that side of the issue.  It's cause and effect.  If you want me to drive SAFELY then don't create a situation BEFORE HAND which  effects my abilities on the road.  It's not just for my benefit but everyone else in town who happens to be sharing the road with Trimet Buses.  

WOULD YOU FEEL SAFE SHARING THE ROAD WITH A 20 TON BUS IF YOU KNEW A MANAGER MAY HAVE FORCED AN OPERATOR TO DRIVE BECAUSE THE MANAGER WAS EITHER RETALIATING OR JUST DOESN'T "CARE ABOUT SAFETY"? These days, we have Managers who've never driven buses. Although I will give credit to Mark that day because he did understand the safety side, it's just that his hands were tied. 


If you wanna talk about my blog then talk to me. If your lawyer wants to investigate, investigate but don't say you're gonna or you did and then I find out you didn't and I end up getting reprimands and threats of termination for something that wasn't done and isn't true. I don't have a problem answering your lawyers questions, but she'll need to do it with integrity and professionalism - not the way she went about it last week or she's gonna end up with an ETHICS COMPLAINT.  If you don't like my exposing your bullying intimidating behavior against me on this blog then don't be dishonest with me.I'm approachable but I don't take abuse and neither do I go for all this sneakery and lying. You're supposed to be professionals.  COMMUNICATION IS EVERYTHING, but when I'm having a conversation with an Executive of this agency I'd like to think it was 'adult-like', on BOTH sides!  When you try to BLIND SIDE me, like orchestrating that farce last week with the lawyer, Mark, Evelyn and probably a few MORE,  it makes you look really, really bad!  I've tried to communicate with you honestly and openly but you refuse to accept my presence as an employee of this agency.  I've written you without a response. I've called and was beaten up over the phone, "NOW ELLEN, NOW YOU KNOW BETTER THEN THAT, NOW ELLEN NOW ELLEN!  I tried to comply but you ignore my requests for information like, 'what did I do to deserve the reprimands?'. You gave them to me unsubstantiated and uninvestigated then you lied to BOLI, still trying to keep your secrets secret. 

Years ago when Clyde Earl was the Director Of Transportation he said to me, "This is my building, my agency!  You don't have Freedom of Speech here. I will tell you what you can think, feel and say!"  His legacy lives on through those same principles, through those who remain. 

In the culture of a hierarchy there exists a benevolent love where there is a value in every person, a commitment to other's perceptions.  But not at Trimet!  

Terminate me and I will win my job back.
Make false accusations against me and I will prove you wrong.
Burn my house down and I will build another.
Hurt me and my family will live comfortably forever thereafter.













Friday, March 15, 2013


Originally published 3/15/2013

Peggy Callahan
Senior Human Resources Representative

Click image for zoom

The highlighted image is from a Public Record documents search I requested from BOLI (Bureau of Labor and Industries) regarding a complaint I filed against Trimet for violating my Civil Rights and for continued acts of retaliation.

Because Trimet via Peggy Callahan lied about all of it to the Government Investigator, I'm exposing it here as information for public transparency.  

If you follow this Blog you'll remember this, a bit of history.

Peggy Callahan's FIRST LIE to BOLI.
Peggy Callahan's SECOND LIE to BOLI.

This posting, the third in a series of more, is about two complaints filed against me by Al Margulies and an additional one from John Olsen, as they had done before and continue to do again and again and again..... filing charges against me to Trimet's HR Department, but THESE complaints in particular are from October of 2011 and generated four reprimands. Not the first time I've received reprimands from Olsen but the Union grievance process was able to get them thrown out since HR didn't conduct an actual investigation.  I am currently waiting a step III on this last group.  

This posting is also about the meeting which generated the 4 reprimands and how I was treated. It was required by Senior Human Resources Representative Peggy Callahan in which SHE SEVERELY MISTREATED, BULLIED AND INTIMIDATED ME! Her mission was to CAUSE EXTREME EMOTIONAL ANGUISH AND THEN SHE EXPECTED ME TO OPERATE A 40,000 LB or 20 TON BUS ON THE STREETS OF PORTLAND!  

At the start of the meeting she disclosed she was, "under orders". I pursed it, she admitted it.  Doesn't matter. "NO" is still a complete sentence IF you possess the integrity to say it!  She could have refused and then conducted the meeting professionally but unfortunately it didn't happen.

I was accompanied by my Union Representative.  Many of you know her, you know her reputation. If at any point you question anything I've written here, please feel free to ask her for verification.  You know she doesn't take anything out of meetings or discuss members with members or with anyone else. But because of the nature and experience we shared with Peggy that day, combined with what Peggy told the BOLI Investigator in the highlighted document above, I expect she would be more then willing to relate that the experience as I have articulated it here is indeed FACTUAL!!!  

Callahan called me to the meeting and made three accusations. Two from Al Margulies and the other from John Olsen. Other then Olsen's, she refused to relate Margulies' claims against me.  She ordered me to remove an image from my blog but refused to say which image and where I might find it. (see image below) She threatened me with suspension and or termination. Each time I asked which one she was referring to she yelled out similar to a parrot in a high pitched shriek, "Now Ellen, now you know better then that, now Ellen, now Ellen..."  At one point she shoved a stack of papers (copies of my Blog) across the table over to me and there they sat.  I was not allowed to ask questions!  At one point I was so frustrated by the continuum of abuse I was in tears. I leaned in and looked right at her and said, "I AM IN A DEEP __________!.  Do you know what that means?" As an HR Representative she knew what I had just relayed to her was my DISABILITY, recognized by the ADA and protected by BOLI. She didn't blink an eye, she said nothing - just glared - wide eyed and empty.  KNOWING full well what my disability was at that point, she EXPECTED me to OPERATE A BUS ON THE STREETS OF PORTLAND! I asked for special accommodations by asking that I be allowed to go home. I WAS NOT 'FIT' TO OPERATE A BUS! She continued to glare.  My Union Rep literally begged her not to put me in a bus.  She shrugged her shoulders!  'SO WHAT?!!!'  She advised us that she would call Evelyn Warren, Center Street Station Manager to see what she could do.  Evelyn told us she received the call from Peggy but there wasn't anything she could do either. Her concern she said was they may not have Operators to cover my run. Interesting because when I had the problem with Jensen she immediately gave me a tda (time off without timeloss). It trickles down - they HAVE TO take orders or they risk loosing their careers.   A Stations Agent later saw me in the bullpen and immediately gave me a tda. He said, "No way are you going out (driving) like that!"  Couldn't even ride my bike home.  So there I am out front waiting for a bus and feel something like someone's staring at me. I turned and saw Hayden Talbot staring at me with the BIGGEST (bigger then usual) SMILE you've ever seen.  His lip was partially curled up.  He stayed there staring /glaring at me saying nothing until the Bus came.  WorkPlace Bullying!

Click image for zoom

Because of the nature of our jobs there are no set rules about notifying Trimet of a disability unless the job affects you or the disability affects the job as was in my case. There are no set rules or policies  for employee disability issues. In 2002,Trimet was requiring ADA in writing from your Dr. in order to accomodate a request such as a certain Bus style. Because I'm short (5' 1") I asked for a certain style Bus because I came close to killing someone. With all the blind spots like high fare boxes, clamshell mirrors, the windshield and door pillars, etc. I couldn't see where I was going. Even rockin' and rollin' in the seats didn't correct the problem. The newer buses today (3000 series) are by far worse. Trimet used to send trainers to the Factory now the people in charge of ordering new buses and other safety sensitive equipment pick from a brochure. I had to see HR about it because Trimet considered being 'short' a disability. In reality is was a SAFETY issue but that meant it would cost them some money. It was cheaper to not take a proactive stance and just blame it on employees stature. I couldn't get a disability for being short because being short wasn't a disability so I was required to operate Buses on the streets with less then 50% visibility. Even if you had, say a shoulder problem which your Dr gave you a disability for, Trimet still wouldn't honor it with proper accommodations. They don't care! They  just  give you what they have.  What I ended up doing was asking dispatch for courtesy trades because It was a SAFETY issue for me! One Dispatcher asked if I was refusing to drive. 

The thing about Trimet is you want to be very careful about what personal information you share with them because many of the Managers aren't professional enough to protect or respect your privacy.  I had no reason to share my disability until they created a situation where it kicked in and as a result I literally became an ENDANGERMENT TO PUBLIC SAFETY.  

Not respecting my disability or the disabilities of my co-workers is not respecting the public!  My job is SAFETY SENSITIVE!  The safety of our citizens, our community is based on our / my ability to FOCUS.  IF I'M DOING MY JOB THE WAY I'M SUPPOSED TO, THE VERY NATURE OF IT IN AND OF ITSELF WILL FORCE ME TO FOCUS!  If something happens which CREATES A SAFETY DISTRACTION then that has to be dealt with professionally by the people who caused it. For example, Peggy Callahan has no business scheduling meetings with Operators or Maintenance because she doesn't understand what it is that we do for a living. She's not qualified or professional enough to recognize how her actions affect others! She needs to be educated but even more then that, Trimet needs to start hiring people who are not just bureaucrats but people who are qualified and have integrity!  People who are honest and fair and have a sense of humanity in their dealings with each other. Non-Union employees at Trimet have purposely separated themselves from the TRANSIT INDUSTRY as a whole. They are people who sit in cubiles and now that they're situated at Harrison Square they won't see the buses or the uniformed employees coming or going.  Above all, they have to remember they're WORKING FOR TRANSIT, THEY'RE WORKING FOR THE PUBLIC!!!