Wednesday, January 18, 2012


The last couple of days I've had three Trimet customers approach me from video, image and name recognition which they got from the repetitive negative Blog postings (Cyber Bully/Stalking) of Al Margulies aka Rantings of a Trimet Bus Driver and Chris Day, True Union Values. These postings CONTINUE to be up and publicized even though I've objected repeatedly to Trimet.

Two came from riders who recognized me while I too, was riding.

The other came from a customer who was on a bus I was Operating. 

Slanderous information, videos and images continue to be posted even after my complaints which went all the way up and all the way down the chain of command including Neil McFarlane (who, btw doesn't respond to Operator issues) and ending with my Station manager and asst manager. Trimet refuses to respond and enforce their own policies with regard to these bullies who continue to attack me through the internet.  

My complaint to Carol Jolly, Lead HR Investigator resulted in, "HR policies are only enforceable while in your workplace. Your Bus is not your workplace," They don't even know what it is that we do for Trimet.  

HR-202 "Internet Communications and Postings"

"TriMet employees are personally responsible for the content they publish on the Internet, both internally and externally. Internet communications and postings may not violate TriMet policy or procedure.  TriMet policies regarding Employee Conduct (HR 166) and Respectful Workplace (HR 171) also apply when you make Internet Postings regarding TriMet coworkers or customers."